Transport Canada’s Minister Garneau has already weighed in on the Canadian responses to the ungrounding of the 737 Max… “Our government remains committed to keeping Canadians, the travelling public, and the transportation system safe and secure. “We acknowledge that the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released an Airworthiness Directive for the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. Through this directive, the FAA is mandating its approved changes made to the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, and confirms it can return to service in U.S. airspace. “Transport Canada has worked extensively with the FAA and other key certifying authorities, including the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC), as well as the three Canadian operators of the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, and their pilot unions throughout the validation process of the aircraft to address all factors necessary toward a safe return to service of the aircraft. “Transport Canada safety experts continue their independent validation process to determine whether to approve the proposed changes to the aircraft. We expect this process to conclude very soon. However, there will be differences between what the FAA has approved today, and what Canada will require for its operators. These differences will include additional procedures on the flight deck and pre-flight, as well as differences in…Read More