It’s been a LONG road back to redemption for the Boeing 737 MAX as, first, US test pilots and engineers, followed by their Canadian counterparts examined the updated hardware and software for the airplane in anticipation of a return to commercial flight sometime (reportedly) before the end of the year. Now,. It’s EASA’s turn — The European Union Aviation Safety Agency has now completed its test flights of the Boeing 737 MAX. These took place in Vancouver, Canada due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. As the next step in its evaluation of the aircraft for return to service, EASA is now analyzing the data and other information gathered during the flights in preparation for the Joint Operations Evaluation Board (JOEB). The JOEB is scheduled to start next week in London, Gatwick in the United Kingdom. EASA has been working steadily, in close cooperation with the FAA and Boeing, to return the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft to service as soon as possibleRead More