The Air Force and Boeing reached two agreements last week to implement a final KC-46A Pegasus Remote Vision System design, known as RVS 2.0, and help counter COVID-19 impacts on the defense industrial base. The two Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) will be incorporated in the KC-46 contract.

The first MOA institutes the redesign and retrofit of RVS 2.0 in full compliance with the contract requirements at no additional cost to the government. This agreement addresses deficiencies that hindered safe and effective refueling operations. RVS 2.0 will include 4K color cameras with proper viewing geometry, operator stations with larger screens, a laser ranger for refueling aircraft distance measurement and boom assistance augmented reality. With the help of scientists and engineers from both enterprises, the Air Force will lead design reviews and approve specifications to drive the partnership toward initial fielding in 2023. The second and separate MOA…Read More